Last year the Hardie Clan upped sticks and headed to Playa Blanca after the first Cross race for a bit of family/training time, this seemed to make all the difference as on my return I managed to get a win at the Mugdock Cross :)
Last year I certainly needed to up my game as the legs were a bit dull in the first race. This year we returned to Playa a week later for some of the same as last year, bit different as I have already started coming into the form with a win in the series so this trip was more about maintenance of the legs and chillaxing instead of trying to get some form.
This worked out great and it's been a cracking week in brill weather with the family and a bit 'o' biking to boot, this year runs consisted of about 1hr in duration up to 2 1/2hrs which was more than ample. The biking was made even better as I hooked up with good friend and bike nut like myself Fraser who through Facebook seen I was heading out at the same week, was great to get out with a mate in a different part of the world :) The Femes climb out of Playa is always better with company in tow, a bit of suffering shared never seems as bad lol!
So as I write this descending into Glasgow I am sure the weather will be slightly colder/wetter than the 28/29 we have enjoyed over the past week :) Being in the Lanza Sun should have set me up for the rest of the Cyclocross season in good stead, let's have it!!
From The Rules :
"The purpose of competing is to win. End of"